الأحد، 19 نوفمبر 2017

Auto Insurance: How To Prevent Car Fire| for stock rom go to rompure.com

Auto insurance Quote don't really cover all the protection of the car. That is most likely not accommodating unless you know the fundamentals on how auto insurance works. 
Car fire

Everyday there are millions of car accident everyday and most of them is as a result or result from car fire outbreak. Having a good car insurance Quote helps your car to be insured but knowing the principles to break car fire outbreak is very necessary. 

How To Prevent Car Fire

Although most car insurance policy covers car fore outbreak there is still need to prevent one because prevention is better than cure. Identifying the causes of car fore outbreak is necessary;

Prevent smoking while driving. The cigar is more likely to ignite fire outbreak when driving so it is advisable not to smoke when driving. 

Always Have A Fire Extinguisher

I cant shout this loud enough, always have a fire extinguisher in you car ,all the time !!!.

Drive Safely
A good percentage of car fires occur as a result of reckless driving most times after a collision , so always drive safely , and stay sober (don’t drive while drunk ).

Avoid Transporting Fuel
I know this is almost impossible in Naija , but as much as you can , avoid transporting fuel in kegs , in your boot,if its inevitable , make sure it isn’t full to the brim and its very stable and upright .Also keep it far away from electrical wires.

Always Do Routine Check Ups
- Before you take a drive , pop open your bonnet , check the fuel nozzles or pipes, make sure they are well fitted and there are no leakages .
- Always check your fuel tank for leaks and cracks .Don’t ignore any , no matter how small.
- Always look around for open or “Unclad” wires and seal them up with a masking tape,a little spark can start a massive fire.
- Make sure your battery terminals are well fitted to prevent unnecessary sparks .
- Replace bad fuses

Tidy Up
Keep your boot and inside your car free of paper and other items that can easily catch fire as much as possible .

Park In A Safe Location
When you got to eat out in Iya Basira’s shop park far away from her firewood. Always park your car far away from anything that could possible trigger a fire, no matter how small .

I hope you enjoyed this guys , don’t forget to comment and share .

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