الجمعة، 3 نوفمبر 2017

Square Pay: How it Works and Earn Money| for stock rom go to rompure.com

Squarepay is a communitylike no other. it is geared towards helping fellow Nigeria move from a level of obscuirty to their rightful place in destiny. We bring persons with the same interest(to be rich) and connect them together. Let's help each other become rich.


You will have to register either through a referral link from a registered HELPER or DIRECTLY without a referral. After registration, you will be merged with a HELPER whom you are to offer help to with the sum of #20,000 Naira for GRADE A,#10,000 for GRADE B or #5,000 for GRADE C depending on the grade decided during registration.This is to test your commitment to the club.
Step II: Once you are Confirmed to have made payment to your mergedHELPER you are now aHELPER.A referal link will be made available to you instantly to enable you refer others and receive help from two (2)HELPERs with the same (#20,000 or #10,000 0r #5,000) you offered. That means, you get 100% of your initial help offered back to you as HARVEST.
Every help that you offer is called a SEED and that which you receive, is called HARVEST while a member is called aHELPER Note: Immediately after merging with an approvedHELPER, you have till 1:00am (GMT+1) the next 2 days ( ie. if merged on Tuesday, you have till Thursday 1:00 AM) to sow your SEED or you will be deactivated. So, do not joinSQUAREPAY if you are not ready to offer your SEED. Whether you bring in persons or not, you will recieve your HARVESTS within 4 days of confirmation. NO Games, No Tricks. It that Simple.
Once you are have collected all your Payment, your account will be then be available for you to RECYCLE (during recycling you are permitted to choose any new amount) To ensure that you are not banned, you should register only one account at a time, if discovered that multiple account exists, your account will be suspended instantly.
Note: for #20,000 you get #40,000, #10,000 you get #20,000 and #5,000 you get #10,000 all within 4 days).

let's help each other become rich
Gey paid with 1-14 days of seed confirmed.

Fact: Squarepay Charity Club will fail in no time if all you do is register and wait to be paid. It is therefore paramount that you know the TRUTH. Whether you bring in someone or not, you will be paid within 4 days but bringing someone will hasten your payment.let's help each other become rich
Join Now


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