Gigo P6 Kitkat Custom Rom (Mtk 6572)
This Rom is fully modified and optimised with full of tweaks.when compare to original rom this has more improved version.and removes all bloatware with some deodexed system apps.
Rom is prerooted with Init.d Support and also preinstalled Xposed Modules and swap in partitions/cache/data
This Rom includes Old version of Google Apps (GApps) , Facebook App Also.
Rom size is reduced by 43% because they removed some unwanted apps.

Note :-
Installer of this rom is based on twc69's script.
Before installing this rom remember that this will fomart your internal memory / Data. and IMEI also.
First you have to download update 1.0 Gigo P6 (ROM 2 – GIGO P6) uploaded by Socr@Te
Unpack that Rom and open
- Open SP Flash Tool.
- File >> Open Scatter-loading file >> Select file MT6572_Android_scatter.txt from ROM Update 1.0.
- Option >> USB Mode
- Option >> DA DownLoad All >> Speed >> Force to High Speed
- Option->DA DownLoad All->Battery->With Battery or Without Battery
- Click the Format button.
- Select Auto Format Flash, Format flash whole, Validation. Press OK.
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